Running Love

Hard to believe it’s been a month since I blogged. It’s amazing how life takes over!

  In the past month I’ve gone to Niagara Falls with my husband and came home to have a pretty severe inner ear infection. My husband had his wisdom teeth out at the same time and it got infected on one side. We both ended up off and in bed sick and ultimately on antibiotics together. Not the best way to spend time together with me barely able to hear him and him barely able to talk clearly. Even though being sick slowed us down a bit, it didn’t slow us down forever.
  This week we felt completely loved and wanted. Had several birthday parties, a great dinner out at a greek restaurant, a pizza party. We saw so many people that we know and love. It felt really good. Wasn’t really great for the diet, but we still have to live and it’s not like we are going to have weekends like this all the time.
  My husband has decided that he’s going to train to run a 5k. He’s had it in his mind for awhile, but recently decided he had to take the bull by the horns and do it. The big push he needed was a cause he could get behind. That cause turned out to be a little girl named Kayla Baker.
   Kayla is a 14 year old local girl who due to no fault of her own ended up on the waiting list for 3 years to get some new lungs. Kayla was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, a rare lung disease at the age of 11. All Kayla has wanted to do is run. She also wanted to give back to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto who have been so good to her over the years. The city has rallied around her by wearing green and talking about organ donation in massive numbers – including students at schools all across the city. They have since found the double lung that Kayla needed and have organized what they are calling Runalung. Kayla is hoping she’ll be in good enough shape to run some of the 5km along with others from across the province on May 11th.
  I’m so proud of James for setting a goal and sticking with it so far. He’s going to do so well simply because he’s motivated. Everyone has been noticing the change in him physically as he’s lost over 40 lbs. I know I’m not far behind but the change hasn’t been as drastic as it has been with him. He looks great. I’m a lucky woman because I get to call him mine.

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