I’ve been working on something really big with my family tree.
A new branch is being added and it’s not where you think.

You read that correctly. The new branch is being added to the bottom of the tree.
So far in this pregnancy I’ve gone through weeks of exhaustion and lots of naps. My brain has been scattered so my family history research has been few and far between. It isn’t that I haven’t wanted to do the research, it’s more that I can’t remain focused and find myself going back and forth through records I already have and trying to make sense of them.
Even still, I think it’s important to remember that my life is now going to be history for my descendants. It makes me feel more connected to all those that came before in that I’m continuing their blood line with my own. Whether it’s a boy or a girl doesn’t matter as this child will carry the DNA of me and my husband and all those that came before us.
As soon to be parents, we have been discussing how we would like to at least have the middle name of our child have some connection to our ancestors. That was really what sparked the name research on the male line of my family tree in my last post. I wanted to look at where we came from and include them somehow in this next generation.
Life is very different during this pregnancy than it was for my ancestors. Just think – we were able to take a test to confirm we were pregnant. Our ancestors had to guess or have a midwife do a divining and many times they didn’t know they were pregnant until they started “quickening” (feeling the baby’s movements). My ancestors saw their baby for the first time when it was born. Some were told to not move much when in pregnancy and to not exercise. In the last century they were told to start or keep smoking to keep their weight down and to take some very dangerous drugs to help with morning sickness.
In my pregnancy, I’ve had multiple ultrasounds. My pregnancy was confirmed via a simple test and again with blood work. Soon we will have an ultrasound to find out the big question of boy or girl. So many things are different for people who are having babies these days!
Our baby is due August 6, 2015. The baby was truly “made in Cuba” during a vacation we took to celebrate the marriage of our good friends Bridgit and Zoel Dufort. We are both so excited to become parents and know there are a lot of things we need to do around our house to make room for the new addition. A child is a blessing and we have been truly blessed.